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Dear things I have lost,

Dear Lost Things,

I have lost quite a lot of things. I have lost objects, people, memories, and emotions. I have made myself lost in losing all these things. I have surrounded myself with lots of hate and sadness. I have not been the person I have wanted to be. I miss myself, but sometimes I really miss the things I lost. However, what I lost now has made me a better person, but what if I still had many of these things. How would my life be different? Right now, I want to join the Peace Corps, because I want see all what I take for grated. I am called ungrateful quite often, for I do not show my appreciation in the best way, but I am working on it. I want to learn how I can show my gratitude to the things I have now and the things I have lost. Right now, I want to begin a journey of volunteer work. I want to learn sacrifice and I want to understand the suffering. I want to understand the reason why people make the choices they do and the lifestyle that indulge themselves with. I want to love. Living without these lost things has shown me what I want to do with myself. I might be sad that these things are not around, but they have pushed and they have made me who I am today. For that I am forever grateful. It hurts to lose things, somethings I loved or liked, somethings had the greatest impact on my life, somethings I took for granted, somethings I never had in the first place. One thing I have learned is to choose happiness for yourself. That choice maybe hard for you to walk away and hurt some people, however, I think if any of these people or memories or objects had stayed in my life, I would be unhappy that they stayed. Because all I would ever want is for them to be happy. So thank you for leaving, because I hope you are happier than you could ever be. But also thank you for teaching me what I want to be. I want to be kind, caring, compassionate, hopeful, and loving. I might not have been the best person at all times, but losing these things built me up slowing even though it probably made me my lowest.

best wishses


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